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My ironing story.

Working as a local cleaner many of my clients started to ask if I would also do their ironing for them. This then turned into a weekly accurance for them and their friends and family and as word spread from their reccomendations I then gained more and more customers. Because of this I started taking the ironing home with me and set up a room with rails this is when I decided to set up my own business as Press for Less ironing service offering a free collection and return delivery. 

I take pride in my business and always offer an efficient and reliable service and can also provide references whenever requested.

We’re part of the community

As a small local business we would be more than happy to help with local sponsors or events within the community.

The team that cares. 

Feel free to call, text or email me and ask as many questions as you like about this service and how everything works from collection up to returns, prices and how you like your items to be folded or hung ready for you to put away when returned.

Free pick-up and delivery.

At times and places that best suit you.


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